"Checkmate Shahbaz Sharif."
"Hey you know that The Khan is not going to let the Sharifs go free, I reckon all the Sharif men are slated to be behind bars and with his one son in jail, one in exile, one son in law in exile his narrative of hands off the institutions has been rendered a failure to put it mildly and the First Niece's narrative..."
"Hey, she is First Daughter before she will ever agree to be labeled as First Niece. Daddy, the creator of the Noon League, is who she takes instructions from and him alone and..."
"I get it, but as you and I both know there is always a Plan B if Plan A does not succeed despite best efforts and who is Plan B if Plan A is not successful I ask you."
"What do you mean? What is Plan A?"
"Plan A is the ruling party, The Khan."
"Why would The Khan not succeed? I mean I don't see..."
"The Khan's economic team have agreed to reduce not the budget deficit which would have meant an austerity budget, but the quasi deficit, which means electricity and gas rates will rise with obvious repercussions on the income of the lower to middle income earners..."
"Whose rates will be subsidized don't you remember."
"Only up to 300 units a month and if you add the use of an iron and/or a washing machine which many of our lower income levels do have, then there you go you are not in the Ehsaas programme and you are also not in the cheap electricity category..."
"But you would soon be in the Ehsaas category what with industrial unit closures, I mean accepting a 2.4 percent growth means industrial unit closures and..."
"This is not a facetious matter."
"True, so who is Plan B then?"
"Not Zardari sahib, and not Maryam, she has already reneged on the deal she made in September, was it! Anyway neither is her daddy who has reneged on a deal he made in the past...."
"Shahid Khaqan Abbasi..."
"The more he talks and he is talking in defence of the First Daughter the less likely he is making himself a viable candidate for Plan B."
"Hmmm, I see that leaves Shahbaz Sharif - a man who was offered to be part of Plan A by Musharraf and who refused then, maybe he won't refuse now with his own children no doubt pushing him to accept..."
"So why did you say checkmate Shahbaz Sharif."
"Well, Maryam can invoke the double jeopardy clause in the latest summons she has received from the NAB court..."
"So she maybe legally in a strong position in this case at least though I am sure there are others she can be implicated in, but whatever she won't ever be Plan A given her history of reneging on deals."
"The First Niece is a suicide bomber only she thinks she is an F-16 carrying loaded missiles and..."
"Ha ha, don't be facetious and I did note your use of First Niece instead of First Daughter."
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